Thursday, March 23, 2023


Map hanging on our dining room wall, a gift from a missionary friend. The white circles (on North America and Russia) comprise of L X II, shorthand for Luke 10:2 - "The harvest is indeed plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers into His harvest."

A good friend of mine (who's a Pastor) tells people that if they're able to retire, then retire while they're able to enjoy it.

I may not look it, and I'm sure I don't act it, but I'm getting to that age. For me, there's an additional factor - I'm a few years younger than Becky, so I not only want to retire while I can enjoy my retirement, but so she  can enjoy my retirement.

So the next question is what should I do when I retire? There are better things to do than sit around and watch TV; in fact, no TV station I know of has earned my viewing. Or I can find some fellow retirees and sit at the coffee shop and solve the world's problems (sorry, but our Government doesn't seem up to the task). And as I'm typing this, I'm listening to an ad suggesting a new career - can you picture me as a truck driver? I can't.

So, leaving the Twilight Zone, there are a few other options. Becky and I have thought about doing a short-term mission trip (up to a couple of years). Or I can get involved with a refugee ministry, something I've had off and on interest since I was in college. Maybe I can get back to writing and see about getting some books published. Far less likely, I can get revive my dormant musical/lyrical talents and start a symphonic rock band or a Southern Gospel quartet. Far less likely, and besides, there are enough good musical groups out there.

Which leads me to something Becky mentioned a couple of times - a chaplain for musicians. After all, I've liked hanging around and encouraging musicians all my life, especially those who are using their skills for the Kingdom. Am I already practicing filling that role?

Currently, I am praying for a list of musicians at least once a week. Some are Southern Gospel vocalists. Some are rockers. Some are favorites for a decade or four. Some are young enough to be my kids. (Should I be their Godfather? I could make them a deal they can't refuse. And yes, I've heard of that movie but haven't watched it).

Of course, I should finish this blog and get to bed so I can be ready for an exciting day at work tomorrow - the number of years I'll continue working may be in the single digits, but it still is years in the plural.


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