Monday, October 31, 2022


Semper Reformanda - Always Reforming. Courtesy of James Lawson.

AUTHOR'S NOTE - I wrote this a few years ago as a Facebook note. I've decided to make this my Reformation Day post for the year. So, Happy Reformation Day!

 Just when you think you've heard everything.

In an internet group, someone was claiming the Letter of James was a false gospel and that the half-brother of Jesus was the organizer of the Judaizers Paul condemned when writing to the Galatians. The person making that claim was asked if he was implying that James' letter shouldn't be included in Scripture.

No, he insisted James belonged in the Canon of Scripture so we'd know what his false teaching looked like.

If he stopped at James being a Judaizer and his Epistle being a false gospel, I would think he's wrong and outside the mainstream, but he's not the first to have problems with James and the apparent conflict with Paul's grace theology. The church leaders deciding on the canon dealt with the same question. Martin Luther called that book "An epistle of straw" (though he later changed his mind). Les Feldick believes Christian theology should be based on Paul, and that James and the other general epistles were written for Jews, not the Church. Calling James a false gospel is a step further, but I would consider that an error.

The idea that a false gospel could be canonical, however, is what I consider a very dangerous idea that must be defeated. Allow me to give three reasons why.

1. It leads to confusion.

If God wanted James in there as a false gospel so we'd see the error, have we missed others? The Jesus Seminar suggested we should add the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas - maybe that should be to show the error of Gnosticism. Many consider Mormonism, Christian Science, Jehovah's Witnesses, and the Prosperity Gospel to be false teaching - should they be included as well so we can see what the error looks like?

Let's go a step further. Protestants and Jews do not accept the deutero-canonical books (aka the Catholic apocrypha) because they don't feel they pass the test of being canonical. If we allow false gospels in, what right do we have to exclude these writings?

Now, there are false statements in Scripture. For example, the false prophecy of Hananiah in Jeremiah's day, or the errant theology of Job's friends. But in both cases, these errors are in context with the error being refuted. Let me add another refuted false teaching - that of the Judaizers, which Paul deals with in his letter to the Galatians. (Which calls to question the need for a book of Judazing teaching, as James is proposed of being, since the heresy is dealt with already in Scripture.)

This leads to why this view is dangerous. If a book that is strictly false teaching is included in Scripture without refutation, someone might assume its inclusion is an endorsement, and that false gospel is treated as God's truth. And if the person calling James a false gospel is correct, this has happened, because a near-unaminous majority of believers are convinced James is just as much the true word of God as the rest of the Biblical authors.

Furthermore, who decides which books are God's Word and which are false Gospels? My friend seems to consider himself that sort of authority, since most people don't agree with him. But someone else might differ. I had one friend who didn't think Esther needed to be in Scripture, and another who thought there were missing books that needed to be added to the Bible's 66 but when his Bible came out, he left out Song of Solomon.

2. It undermines the authority of Scripture.

A common myth is that the Catholic Church picked the books that fit its political view and omitted other equally worthy books. Not so. The process of Canonization determined on a basis of certain qualifications which books were included and which weren't. There were books that missed one of the qualificatons that were discussed before being included. For example, the question about who wrote Hebrews. Or Esther not mentioning the name of God. Or Jude including quotes from apocryphal books.

By the way, where did the word "canon" come from? One view is that it is taken from the Hebrew word qaneh, which means a cane or measuring stick. Thus, Scripture is a guide if something is consistent with God's Wrod or if it isn't. This was one of the tests - does a book contradict with other Scripture? Case in point is whether James' "Faith Without Works Is Dead" is countering Paul's emphasis on justification by faith. With careful study, though, there is no contradiction between James and Paul.

Furthermore, Scripture talks about itself as being true and having come directly from God, such as Psalm 12:6, Psalm 119:160, Isaiah 8:20, Romans 15:4, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, and 2 Peter 1:21. Including a false gospel as Canon would invalidate these verses, and if we take the next step, we'll see the biggest danger of canonical false gospels.

3. It attacks the character of God.

I will state that I sincerely doubt the person claiming James is a canonical false gospel would imagine he's doing this, but this argument unknowingly does so. Let me explain why I feel so strongly.

As stated before, the Bible is God's Word, spoken by God. Scripture also says God cannot lie (Numbers 23:19, Titus 1:2, Hebrews 6:18). A false gospel is a lie. If a false gospel is canonical, then God is inspiring the author to write a lie. Thus, there are only three conclusions:

1) James is a false gospel and also canonical, which means God isnpired a lie and the Bible, which states He cannot lie, is worthless and not to be trusted;

2) James is a false gospel, and since God cannot lie, it cannot be canonical, or

3) James is canonical, and since God cannot lie, it cannot be a false gospel.

What is the reason for this theory of canonical false gospels? I consider it similar to those who say the Bible is corrupted, who claim the Bible is not sufficient, or that passages that have a clear literal meaning don't really mean what they say. The reason is that the person has a belief that is inconsistent with the rest of Scripture.

Let's look at those who think the Bible is corrupted. None ever produce proof of an uncorrupted Bible (at least until they show up to revive the uncorrupted Scripture, they claim). New Agers claim it's corrupted because the original Bible (they claim) agrees with them on reincarnation. Muslims say the uncorrupted Scripture contains prophecies of Mohammed. The House of Yahweh claims Catholics corrupted Scripture by adding in verses about the Trinity and Sunday Worship. In other words, it's always subjective. Of course, those making the claim cannot be wrong, and they don't have the guts to say the Bible's wrong, so they all blame those evil Catholics - even though they don't agree with each other's reasons for the Bible being corrupted.

The bottom line is we need to trust the Bible to be right 100% of the time, to trust the Word of God and not of men. There is no false gospel in the Canon.

Sunday, October 30, 2022


At Faith Family Church, Cookeville, TN

Stand up! Stand up for Jesus, Ye soldiers of the Cross!

Lift high His royal banner, It must not suffer loss. 

From victory unto victory, His army shall He lead

Till every foe is vanquished And Christ is Lord indeed.


Stand up! Stand up for Jesus, The trumpet call obey.

Forth to the mighty conflict In this His glorious day.

Ye that are men, now serve Him Against unnumbered foes;

Let courage rise with danger And strength to strength oppose.


Stand up! Stand up for Jesus, Stand in His strength alone;

The arm of flesh will fail you, Ye dare not trust your own.

Put on the Gospel armor, each piece put on with prayer;

Where duty calls or danger, be never wanting there.


Stand up! Stand up for Jesus, the strife will not be long:

This day the noise of battle, The next the Victor's song.  

To him that overcometh, A crown of life shall be;

He with the King of Glory Shall reign eternally. 



  • For those paying attention: Yes, I did deviate from my original format of going in alphabetic order for the first 16 installments. Why? Well, those who know me know two of my favorite holidays are Reformation Day (Oct. 31) and All Saints Day (Nov. 1). (You probably know some other holiday I won't name that shares the date with Reformation Day is one of my least.) Out of the songs on my list, I thought this was most fitting for Reformation Day and All Saints Day. I'll resume in alphabetic order where I left off next week.
  • In the hymnal I grew up with, the lyrics were included to two different tunes. Hymn #459 is to the tune Geibel, which had the words to verses 1, 2, and 4, and included a chorus (which lyrically consisted of the first two lines); this was the newer tune. #460 is to the tune Webb, which I hear more often and is the tune I normally see in hymnals, which included all four verses, but no chorus.
  • You can call the meter of this hymn either 7, 6, 7, 6 doubled or 13, 13, 13, 13. 
  • I know I have no role in planning my funeral, but if you asked me what songs I'd like sung at my funeral, this would be one.   

Friday, October 28, 2022


Welcome to my blog. I'd like to start with how you came to Christ, and how you became interested in music. Also, is Crystoria your given name, or is there a story behind it?

CH: Thank you for having me. Music has always been a big part of my life. My dad was an independent Country artist throughout my early childhood. I remember experiencing recording studios and touring festivals and family nights that consisted of singing karaoke for fun and watching my family write songs for certain projects my dad was working on. It was a part of our normal life, and I loved it. When I was eleven I would get my first guitar and begin my journey in writing and singing for the years to come. 

My grandmother was a huge influence with my walk in Christ. I remember her talking about God during the summer days when she would come over to watch me. I remember her buying my first bible when I was 12 at a yard sale. I had always found myself in awe with creation. From the stars in the night sky, to the leaves blowing in the wind, I just was in amazement. I found myself often talking to the sky about life without really understanding who God was. As I got older I found myself attending a local church and found myself listening to the sermon and feeling like God was speaking directly to me through the sermon. I knew I needed to turn my life to God and so I did. That year I would cry out to God for His salvation, and get baptized. 

As for my artist name Crystoria it actually comes from a blend of my first and middle name. Crystal meaning pure, and Victoria meaning victory: together they make pure victor,  which is what we have in Jesus! 

JR: Would you like to tell us about your most recent project? Also, congratulations on winning last year's WVIU Music Awards New Female Vocalist 2021. How has that encouraged, influenced, and maybe even stretched your ministry this past year?

CH: Thank you. It was such a humbling experience to be awarded last year at WVIU Music Awards. Moments like such has brought confirmation in where I am at and encourages me to keep pressing forward as I know people are being blessed by the music, the lyrics, and most importantly the message. Even when life may feel stagnant or a bit rough at times the testimonies I receive from people being blessed keeps me going. I've always said if one person can blessed I am thankful and I am blessed; when multiple people are touched by a song it really is something special and truly a blessing from God that leaves me in awe.  

My most recent project released was my single ”Story in the Making”. I knew immediately when Troy Stravos and I wrote the song during a co-write in February of 2022 it was going to be going to production however I didn’t know when that would be. I personally like to let God lead me to what song I will release next. My life was going in a new direction this past summer in many ways I was not expecting; I found myself feeling pulled away from the contemporary christian genre and considering christian alternative and christian rock. With that said I have been in the process of working on entirely different style projects than what I have done in the past and I am currently in the process of rebranding. I found myself closing a chapter of what had been and opening the next. The song ”Story in the Making” made perfect sense to release for this moment of closure and new beginnings as the lyrics sing ”close one chapter open another”.  It really was a release that I will never forget and was truly bittersweet.

JR: Your webpage mentions a group of ladies called "Brave Worship." How did they influence your ministry?

CH: Brave Worship is where so much of my music journey truly began. I have ”written” songs since I was about 12 years old, however I never really considered myself a true ”songwriter” till the last few years. I always imagined songwriters being people who were hired out of college and worked for big record labels. Though there are people like that, there are so many people like you and me just going after their gifts in their everyday life and succeeding. 

Then I connected through a worship leaders group on Facebook with Amanda Blankenship. She was wanting to help more Women in Ohio become aware of Brave Worship (a women’s ministry for songwriters and worship leaders). Next thing I knew I was invited to a Private Facebook group filled with other women just like me with a passion of music, writing, and singing. 

To be real, though, the group quickly became intimidating as I saw ladies releasing music and running active ministries, and I felt unqualified as I simply was a mom of 4 running a small makeup business from my home and writing songs occasionally on a tiny notepad in my living room. I would end up sitting back and just watch the posts come through for the next couple years. The intimidation eventually turned into encouragement as I realized these ladies were so much like me. Moms, house keepers, entrepreneurs, and so forth… we all had something in common: the love for writing music for the Lord. After watching these ladies post for several years I started to slowly share songs I had written and eventually would be lead to a broader division of the ministry Writing Worship.

JR: As a frustrated artist (ceramist, songwriter, drawer, novelist, out of practice with some of those for decades), Krissy Nordhoff's Writing Worship Mentorship sounds like heaven. What was that program like? 

CH: Amazing! Truly Amazing. Writing Worship and Brave Worship are ran by Krissy Nordhoff and her husband Eric. Krissy is an amazing songwriter who has helped write for many artists including Natalie Grant and Tauren Wells. Had you told me ten years ago I would have the blessing of an opportunity to be able to take a mentorship by such amazing and Godly people I would of thought you were talking nonsense, I realized really quickly though Krissy was just like anyone else whose life had been taken down some amazing paths and humbly wants to share what she has learned to help others grow. Her mentorship helped me see the beauty in co-writing and finding confidence in how to do so. It helped me understand the importance of seeking God when it comes to writing for Him. It even brought me closer to God as she encouraged us to two way journal through out prayer times each week. I had barely co-wrote with any one prior to the mentorship. I now have several co-writes a month on a normal basis.

JR: As I'm typing this, you are in the middle of an on-line course you started called Songwriter Social. What motivated you to start it, and what skills that you had developed in your life prepared you for this? How does Songwriter Social resemble and differ from the above mentioned Mentorship? 


CH: Yes,  Songwriter Social is an 8 week course I developed to help writers and artists learn how to present themselves effectively and authentically on social media.  In 2015 I sensed God directing me to entrepreneurship around the same time He was encouraging me to write again. I thought it seemed like an odd combo of things to be working on at the time but eventually it really did come together. As I was placing myself in a season of preparation for my songwriting, I was learning how  to brand and market myself on social media for my businesses. I saw the potential for a kingdom mindset working on social media and saw beautiful things take place during my time as an entrepreneur. 

Eventually I would feel God’s tug to let all that go. I remember feeling frustrated with God wondering why He would have me work so hard over the years to just let it all go, BUT GOD, He has His ways, and after I let it all go I would be invited to take part in a private book study for Krissy’s book “Writing Worship“ and I just sensed God saying it was time to focus on music. As months went by I saw artists and songwriters in these groups on Facebook asking for help and advice when it came to their social media. One week in particular I found myself running across two posts from two different songwriters asking if they could still present themselves, or market themselves, on social media if they are not the artist. I immediately  knew the answer and realized there was a need for helping the songwriting community. 

Like Writing Worship, Songwriter Social is taken part in a small group setting virtually. You have a video to watch each week with challenges. However instead of learning about song personalities, worship, writing, and co-writing, Songwriter Social helps an inspired songwriter learn how to brand, network, create content, and time manage on social media all the while staying ”kingdom minded”. 

JR: Thank you very much for your time. What is coming up on the horizon? How can we keep up with your various ministries? 

CH: Thank you so much for having me! As I shared I am in the works of some new music, for those wanting to keep an eye out on the new style I have goals to release the beginning of 2023. You can keep up with my ministries at or through my socials (Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok) @crystoriamusic. May God bless your ministry. Blessings.



Tuesday, October 25, 2022



Should young shepherd Conner Enarian accept the invitation to be a Lightraider Academy candidate even though his father forbids it? Can he and his friends survive the onslaught of goblins and dragons and the like? Will he be able to find the missing soldier who looks like his grandfather and his talking wolf companion? And should he trust the local girl they're protecting not to betray them?

Lightraider Games, including the DragonRaid Vintage Game, are the creation of Dick Wulf, are at the same time a role playing game and a Christian Discipleship program. One person impacted by this when he was younger was author James R. Hannibal, who has started a series based on the game.

Wolf Soldier is an exciting Young Adult fantasy story, with dangerous creatures, loyal friends, inspiring mentors, and plot twists galore. I'm looking forward to the next installment.  

When I learned of the games, I thought that would be excellent for my children, so I suggested it to them, and got the silent treatment. Since I have no kids, that's not a surprise. But for those who want to consider this for your family, you can check out their webpage at, or you can go to their Facebook page at

Sunday, October 23, 2022



Crossroads Baptist Church, Indianapolis, IN

Come every soul by sin oppressed, 

There's mercy with the the Lord,

And He will surely give you rest 

By trusting in His word.

For Jesus shed His precious blood, 

Rich blessings to bestow;

Plunge now into the crimson flood 

That washes white as snow.

Yes, Jesus is the Truth, the Way, 

That leads you into rest:

Believe in Him without delay, 

And you are fully blest.

Come, then, and join this holy band, 

And onto glory go,

To dwell in that celestial land, 

Where joys immortal flow.

Only trust Him, only trust Him, 

Only trust Him now.

He will save you, He will save you, 

He will save you now.


  • This is my favorite invitational hymn, though when I was a teen-ager, I considered it to be just as much as trusting Jesus in day-to-day life as opposed to the decision leading to salvation, and thus connecting it to "Trust and Obey."
  • The verses to the song are written Common Meter (8,6,8,6) and can be interchanged with several other songs. The chorus has an 8,5,8,5 meter.
  • As a music lover, I enjoyed the line, "join this holy band." It also makes me think of the line from "Onward Christian Soldiers," "Onward, then, ye people, Join our happy throng," as well as from "I Am Resolved", "I am resolved and who will go with me? Come, friend without delay."

Friday, October 21, 2022


Yung Priest Da Preacher (Chris Matthews), Video Shoot.

I can say I've now made it big time: I'm getting to interview Chris Matthews! No, not the host of hardball. I'm speaking of the artist known as Yung Priest Da Preacher, a Christian rapper, one of the four nominees for Best New Artist in the WVIU Music Awards. (And I'd rather interview him than the journalist anyways!)

JR: Welcome to my blog. How did you come to Christ and what inspired you to get into music? Likewise,
what inspired the handle you go by?

CM: Growing up as a kid my family would invite me to church. Even though at that age I disliked going
because I didn’t have a interest in God yet. Not until I had some friends invite me to their church and I
was introduced to the gospel. My life changed and I decided to believe in Jesus. Having faith in him gave
me the inspiration to make music centered around him and my perspective of the world. 

I was already doing music before coming to Christ. It always gave me a safe space to express myself and with it I pray to give the listener the same experience. Christian rap has definitely been a blessing to me. 

Lastly for my name Yung Priest Da Preacher, I prayed and got the idea to name myself Yung Priest. Preacher came from people calling me preacher around the church and I got Da from my bro Jopo Da Son.

JR: I'm writing these questions the day your latest EP, "S A F E S P A C E," is released. Would you like to tell us about that project? What inspired the title?

CM: "S A F E S P A C E" is a small collection of songs that means a lot to me. From the name to the songs and everyone who was apart of the creative process. It brought healing to me and I hope it brings healing to the listeners. The name
"S A F E S P A C E" came from my wife. She gave me the idea one day saying my music brought her “comfort”. After hearing that I had to name this project "S A F E S P A C E."

JR: One question I like asking is about influences. Who are your influences and mentors, both musically and as a Christian?

CM: I have a lot of influences and people I look up to I could name but I’ll mention a few. Musically Lil
Wayne, Drake, Linkin Park, J Cole, Bizzle, Lecrae, Kendrick, Marvin Sapp and Kirk Franklin. Christian TD
Jakes, Francis Chan, Pastor Allen Parr, and some local Pastor’s in the Austin Round Rock area.

JR: Congratulations on being a finalist for the WVIU awards both for Best New Artist and Best Male
Rap/Hip Hop Artist. Anything you'd like to say about WVIU? When are the awards given out?

CM: I’m grateful to WVIU for the opportunity to be nominated in their award show and I believe the
awards will be held on November 18th.

JR: Back to "S A F E S P A C E": There doesn't seem to be many safe spaces in this world. How would you help create safe places in our divisive culture? How has God encouraged you, and how has He used you to encourage others?

CM: Love covers a multitude of sins. All I can do is do my best to be the man that God called me to be.
Letting my light shine whenever I get the chance. Being available to those in need and sharing my faith through the music. God has encouraged me in many ways as the old folks say “he made a way out of no way”. I hope to encourage others the same way. No matter what you’re going through you can make it out in Jesus name.

JR: Thank you for your time. How can we keep up with what's new with your ministry and music?

CM: Thank you for taking the time to interview me. The best way for people to be updated on what
I’m doing next is to follow me on social media @_yungpriest on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.



Wednesday, October 19, 2022


Are you aware that as Christians we are in a race? What parallels are there between running and the Christian life?

Lisa Preuett has composed an excellent and inspiring 40 day devotional, with each based on her experience running. I'll admit that I'm more apt to run for office than I am to take up running, but I was greatly encouraged by this book.

For those who are in a hurry to start your morning run or your daily auto race through traffic to work, this is an ideal devotion for you to read. Each portion is two and a half pages long, includes entertaining anecdotes of her running, and a spot-on connection with Scripture, closing with Scripture, a thought, and a prayer.

I highly recommend this book. It has reached the spot of being one of my favorite devotional books.

Sunday, October 16, 2022


Painting of Jesus by Kerry Jackson, at Arlington Avenue Baptist Church.

Oh, to be like Thee! Blessed Redeemer, 

This is my constant longing and prayer.

Gladly I'll forfeit all of earth's treasures, Jesus,  

Thy perfect likeness to wear.


Oh, to be like Thee! Full of compassion, 

Loving, forgiving, tender and kind,

Helping the helpless, cheering the fainting, 

Seeking the wandring sinner to find.


Oh, to be like Thee! Lowly in spirit, 

Holy and harmless, patient and brave; 

Meekly enduring cruel reproaches, 

Willing to suffer others to save.


Oh, to be like Thee! While I am pleading, 

Pour out Thy Spirit, fill with Thy love; 

Make me a temple meet for Thy dwelling, 

Fit me for life and heaven above.


Oh, to be like Thee! Oh, to be like Thee, 

Blessed Redeemer, pure as Thou art!

Come in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullness; 

Stamp Thine own image deep on my heart.



  • This is another song in the Worship & Service Hymnal I grew up with that I didn't know until later in life; in this case, Becky - who grew up with this song - introduced it to me.
  • If you are not familiar with this song, the final stanza is the chorus. It has the same meter as the verses. My hunch is that the lyricist, Thomas Chisholm, wrote a poem with multiple verses and the musician decided to make one verse the chorus. The same is true of another song Chisholm wrote the lyrics to that you're probably more familiar with: "Great Is Thy Faithfulness."
  • In case you're interested in the meter, it's 10,9,10,9. You can interchange tunes between this song, "I Must Tell Jesus," and "Heavenly Sunlight." I also wrote a poem I intended to be a song (nobody ever attempted to set it to music) called Sola Scriptura."
  • As I mentioned, Becky grew up with this song while in the Church of Christ. I included the four verses from the Worship & Service Hymnal, but there's a fifth verse in the Church of Christ hymnal.     

Thursday, October 13, 2022


Will Fiona Kelley be able to finally catch the Nursery Rhyme Killer, the serial-killer who started his two decade spree by murdering Fiona's sister? Will she be able to work alongside her ex-husband, Asa Kodiak, who is known for his bear-like anger? And can she do it without revealing a secret only known to her ... and the Nursery Rhyme Killer?

I have read several of Jessica Patch's Love Inspired Suspense novels. This one is more of a Psychological Thriller, and is more of a full novel (this one is 335 pages, while her others were about 220 pages). This one is a little darker than her others, but it is still filled with great plot twists and deep characters, which is typical for Ms. Patch.

Those familiar with Harlequin's Love Inspired (like this one) and Love Inspired Suspense are aware these books have Christian themes organic to the story. This one goes deeper, showing both the lives of those Christ transforms as well as hypocrites who pretend their faith and acting just as bad as anyone else.

If you are a fan of psychological thrillers, this superb novel is one I'd recommend.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022



One theme that was prominent in the '70's and early '80's in Christian music was the soon return of Christ. One case in point is looking at four albums that came out probably in an 18 month window: "Get Ready" by the Darrell Mansfield Band, "Are You Ready?" by David Meece (pictured above), "Get Yourself Ready" by Nancy Grandquist, and "Make Me Ready" by Farrell & Farrell.
All four of these have a title track; Mansfield and the Farrells start off with it, Meece's is the first song on the 2nd side, and Nancy's is the next to last song. (Yes, this is in the day of LPs and Cassettes, when CD's only existed at banks.)

Forty years after listening to these albums I used to have (we got rid of our record player and records before vinyl came back in style), something hit me about these four title tracks - they each have a different emphasis.
Mansfield's song issues a wake up call; the rocking lead guitar on the intro helps establish the fact. The singer points out that we need to be aware of the times we live in and ... Ooo-ooo-ooo, GET READY!

Meece takes a different approach with his pop song. While Mansfield's tune has the gentleness of a hell-fire and brimstone street preacher, Meece sounds more like a friend, taking you aside and asking you, "ARE YOU READY?"

But how does one get ready? Or how do you know how you'd answer the question "Are you ready?" This is where the 1981 pair of songs focus.

Nancy Grandquist has been one of my favorite singers since I discovered her "Somebody Special" project in '79. It was years later that I learned she's Apostolic. There are several distinctives in that group, but one that is relevant: they hold that you can lose your salvation. Thus, they'll state as a Christian you need to endure, be vigilant, be sure your heart's right, and GET YOURSELF READY.
My memory could be wrong, but I remember Bob Farrell stating he was Baptist; maybe on their live album "Let The Whole World Know?" Or perhaps an interview I heard on the radio? In any event, Farrell & Farrell don't focus as much on our responsibility in our Christian life as on God's working in our life and transforming us. Or to put it in different words, it is Christ dwelling in me and conforming me to His image Who will keep me steady and MAKE ME READY.

As I mentioned, those albums came out two score years ago. Is it my imagination, or is there less focus on the imminent return of Jesus Christ for His church in Christian teaching in general and in Christian music in particular? 

Sunday, October 9th, Dr. Jeremy Couture at Northside Baptist Church preached on Daniel 5 (Belshazzar's feast, the writing on the wall), and warned against the sin of presumption. We presume that when things take a downward turn, there will be a future upward correction. Politically, when the bad guys gain power, we look forward to the next election to set things right. But are we guaranteed smooth sailing? Is there a point of no return? Will there be a point where the doors protecting the American Church from persecution will collapse?

ARE YOU READY? If not, I suggest you GET READY! GET YOURSELF READY by repenting of sins (including passivity, presumption, and laziness), and seek God's help to MAKE YOU READY.

NOTE: I originally had the photos arranged in a nice 2x2 square on the top, but the pictures disappeared. So I reposted them, but couldn't get them back into the cube. Oh well.

Sunday, October 9, 2022


Kookaburas, Louisville Zoo

O for a heart to praise my God, 

A heart from sin set free,

A heart that always feels Thy blood 

So freely shed for me!


A heart resigned, submissive, meek, 

My great Redeemer's throne,

Where only Christ is heard to speak, 

Where Jesus reigns alone;


A lowly, humble, contrite heart, 

Believing, true, and clean,

Which neither life nor death can part 

From Christ who dwells within.


A heart in every thought renewed, 

And full of love divine;

Perfect, and right, and pure, and good, 

A copy, Lord, of Thine!


Thy nature, gracious Lord, impart; Come quickly from above,

Write Thy new name upon my heart, Thy new, best name of Love.



  • This is the second hymn by Charles Wesley included in this series. It won't be the last. Wesley is only one of two hymn writers I'll be including more than one song by, the other being Isaac Watts.
  • Does this song at all make you think of another of Wesley's classics, "O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing?" Both of them are written Common Meter (8,6,8,6). In the Worship and Service Hymnal I grew up with, both songs are set to the tune Azmon, though for this song it also suggests a couple of other tunes, including Arlington, which is usually associate with "Am I A Soldier Of The Cross."
  • In the above mentioned hymnal, it only included four verses for this song, omitting the third verse I included. The Cyberhymnal lists nine verses for "O For A Thousand Tongues" and eight for this one, so I selected one of the other verses to include when Becky and I sing it.

Friday, October 7, 2022


Can Kennneth mac Alpin, King of the Scots, forge an alliance among other kings against the Vikings from the West and the Picts from the East? An alliance with other kings who don't trust Kenneth, for legitimate reasons? And what can three young people in the mid 1990's learn from the tension of a 9th century monarch with vicious invaders, skeptical allies, and uncooperative family members?

This is the second of Donna Fletcher Crow's ten part The Celtic Cross series. Originally, she had written a historical novel about Scotland and Ireland; now, she has divided it up into ten novels, the first four focusing on Scotland and the remainder on the Emerald Isle. She also has added the story of three young people in 1993 and how the history applies to their lives.

Donna is a superb story teller, and keeps you interested in her tale. She also is excellent at interweaving history into her novels.

I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this series. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2022




My bookshelf (it's been rearranged once or two dozen times since).

In this three part series, I've looked at pastors who have been behind the pulpit with me sitting under their ministry. I've also looked at pastors who were primarily sitting at one side of a McDonald's table with a cup of hot coffee and me on the other side with a cup of iced coffee. 

However, God had used people in the role of pastor I have never met. Sometimes, it's because their influence was more via television or radio or books they've written, with me observing from a place they can't see me. In other cases, they are individuals who finished their race before I started mine. I'll be mentioning "pastors" I appreciate who were, in a sense, behind the veil. And these I'll list alphabetically - more challenging for me, but it might make this list more interesting!

  1. Kay Arthur, founder of Precept Ministries.
  2. Athanasius, church father and influence on the Nicene Creed.
  3. Margaret Becker, Christian singer/songwriter.
  4. Rosaria Butterfield, author of The Gospel Comes With A House Key, dealing with hospitality and community.
  5. Steve Camp, Christian singer/songwriter, pastor. 
  6. Michael Card, Christian singer/songwriter, author.
  7. Rod Dreher, author of The Benedict Option, focusing on community.
  8. Les Feldick, host of "Through The Bible with Les Feldick, focusing on the importance of Paul.
  9. Ronnie Lee Floyd, former SBC President.
  10. Todd Friel, host of Wretched Radio.
  11. J. D. Greear, former SBC president.
  12. Keith Green, Christian singer/songwriter.
  13. Gary Habermas, apologist.
  14. Dave Hunt, author/apologist.
  15. Eric Liddle, Olympic runner, missionary.
  16. John MacArthur, pastor, author, radio minister. 
  17. Daniel McCabe, singer/songwriter for the Daniel Band. 
  18. Dr. J. Vernon McGee, pastor, host of Thru The Bible Radio.  
  19. Philip Melanchthon, reformer, co-laborer with Martin Luther. 
  20. Russell Moore, seminary professor, former ERLC President.
  21. J. P. Moreland, apologist, author of Love Your God With All Your Mind.  
  22. Rich Mullins, Christian singer/songwriter.
  23. Kerry Nietz, author of the Peril In Plain Space trilogy, which emphasizes community (don't be scared off by the book titles or book covers). 
  24. Ed O'Neil, founding member of Dixie Melody Boys.
  25. Janet Parshall, hostess of "In The Market" on Moody Radio.
  26. David Platt, author, pastor, former International Mission Board president.
  27. Frank Reich, formal football player, Colts coach, seminary professor.
  28. Carroll Roberson, Southern Gospel singer. 
  29. Francis Schaeffer, author. 
  30. Charles Simeon, pastor who dealt with adversity.
  31. Charles Simmons, pastor and radio minister. 
  32. Charles Stanley, pastor, radio/TV minister.
  33. Tertullian, church father. 
  34. Cal Thomas, journalist.
  35. Gary Thomas, author of Sacred Pathways.
  36. Isaac Watts, pastor, hymn writer, author of logic textbooks and cathecisms.
  37. Charles Wesley, co-founder of the Methodist church, evangelist/pastor, hymn writer. 
  38. George Whitfield, co-founder of the Methodist church, missionary/evangelist.
  39. Malcolm Wild, Christian musician.
  40. Richard Wurmbrand, pastor, author of Tortured for Christ, founder of Jesus To The Communist World (now known as Voice Of The Martyrs).
Have any authors/historical figures/musicians/TV and radio ministers been an influence on your life?

Tuesday, October 4, 2022


Courtesy of TheGospleMark

Continuing with looking at Pastor Appreciation Month, I'd like to mention other ministers who had an impact on me that I believe are worthy to be included as pastors, even though they did not have that title. Some had the role of teacher, others were more friends. These would include:

  • Rita Reynolds - my Grandmother, who taught me to memorize the books of the Bible.
  • Rev. Marv Cowan, a Missionary to Utah, who I had opportunity to talk to one week at camp when he did an elective on cults. I saw him at Verde Baptist soon afterwards, since Verde Baptist supported him.
  • Mike Cook. Was he supposed to be a youth pastor, or did he just serve a role?
  • Bible college professors David Nicolas, Steven Sonmor, Rick Railsback, and Dennis Wretlind. I had opportunity to speak to them outside of class while I was at school.
  • Bill Smith, who taught a men's Precept class in Tennessee.
  • Dan Harting, founder of Families Against Cults.
  • David Witt, CEO of Spirit of Martyrdom 
  • Bishop Robert Lyons, who was head of the chaplains department Becky worked at. I had some opportunities to interact with him as well.
  • Church Planter/Artist Kerry Jackson and Steve Sering, who worked with Circle City Canvas Church.
  • Josh Jacobs, who was an influence to me while he was pastor at Hunter Road Bible Church.
  • Mark Mirza of Common Thread Ministries.
  • Missionary Monte Baker. I've talked to him on phone and Skype.
  • My men's study group at Northside Baptist Church: Curt Waters, Nick Laurino, Jim Myers, and Tim Schlotterbeck. I also will include the teachers of the Living Stones class, which include Myers, Schlotterbeck, Glenn Christie, and Chris Pole.
  • Finally, a list of friends I've had throughout my life that have had an influence on me spiritually in alphabetic order: Lonnie Atkenson, Mel Brown, Tony Finch, James Lawson, Dan Schafer, and Mario Smith.

 Do you have any teachers and friends who weren't technically pastors but who filled that role in your life?

Monday, October 3, 2022


"All My Rowdy Friends Are Preachers!" L-R Dr. Leroy Thomas (Founder & Professor of Pastoral Studies, Southwestern College), Bob Irvine, Dr. Jeremy Couture, Josh Jacobs, Richard Walton, Dennis King, Bill Scott, Mark Mirza (Common Thread Ministries, Bishop Robert Lyons (hospital chaplain), Gary Stump, James Lawson (cartoonist).

How many of you are aware that October is Pastor Appreciation Month? It's fitting that Pastor Appreciation Month ends with Reformation Day. 

The next three days I will develop the theme. Yes, we need to appreciate the pastors in our lives, starting with the men who are preaching the Word of God from the pulpit. But I also want to honor others who fill that role though not the office. Some may be pastors from the past who are pastoring from heaven through their writings and inspiration. Some are current pastors who have no idea I exist but who inspire me through books or TV/Radio ministries. Some have helped pastor me as a teacher or as a friend.

Today, I'd like to start by thanking the pastors I've had in my life (including youth pastors), which I'll do in chronological order. Some I have comments about, and others I will just mention. All are worthy of honor.

  1. Rev. Evans, Fullerton Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). I'm trusting my over 60 year old memory for the church's official name and the pastor who was there when I moved at age 9 from the hicktown of Fullerton, California, to the metropolis of Skull Valley, Arizona. I do remember he had a daughter around my age.
  2. Merle Heatwole, Skull Valley Community Church. I may not have his name spelled correctly. 
  3. Ken Gordon, Verde Baptist Church, Cottonwood, AZ.
  4. Ken Kunneman, Manzanita Baptist Chruch, Kingsman, AZ. I'm not sure I got his name correct. While at that church, I was introduced to cults, and an Anabaptist history view. A year later after returning to Cottonwood, Ken taught an elective on future things at camp, which I attended with Ken Gordon's son Tim (who was two years ahead of me in high school).
  5. Denny Leeds (Youth Pastor), Verde Baptist Church. 
  6. Henry Atkenson, Verde Baptist Church
  7. Jim Woods (Youth Pastor), Verde Baptist Church
  8. Joe LoMuscio, Cactus Baptist Church, Phoenix, AZ
  9. Jim McCormick, Cactus Baptist Church. When I started attending there, he was an associate pastor, and became senior pastor after Rev. LoMusio took the pastorate at Temple Baptist Church, Fullerton, CA. (NOTE- I walked past Temple Baptist on the way to school before moving to AZ.)
  10. Joe Magliato, Sonlight Christian Center, Orange CA. One claim to fame - his wife had a brother named Carman. Yes, that Carman.
  11. Mark Cola (College/Career Pastor), Sonlight Christian Center.
  12. Roger Hosier, Antioch Baptist Church, Orange, CA. Roger had the honor of marrying Becky and I.
  13. Bob Irvine, Bethel Baptist Church, Phoenix, AZ
  14. Bill Hackett, Valley Christian Assembly, Phoenix, AZ. 
  15. Rodger Buck and 
  16. Bob Johnson, Bethel Baptist Church, Valley, NE. Rod, Bob, and I were co-pastors.
  17. R. B. Adamson, Victory Baptist Church, Bowling Green, KY.
  18. Don Finto, Belmont Church, Nashville, TN.
  19. Jerry Badgley, Calvary Church of the Nazarene, Nashville, TN.
  20. Dennis King, Stonebrook Baptist Church, Nolensville, TN. If you're familiar with Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby wrote it with Claude King. Claude is Dennis' brother.
  21. Mike Wilson, Calvary Chapel, Bowling Green, KY
  22. Jeff Adler, Simhat Yeshua Messianic Congregation.
  23. Jeff Seward, Horizon Christian Center West, Indianapolis, IN. Becky and I attended Simhat and Horizon at the same time. (Also, while I was sitting under the teaching of Jeff and Jeff, I also had a supervisor at work named Jeff.)
  24. Gary Stump, Arlington Avenue Baptist Church, Indianapolis, IN.
  25. Bill Scott, Hunter Road Bible Church, Indianapolis, IN
  26. Richard Walton, Arlington Avenue Baptist Church, Indianapolis. Richard has the honor (or not) of being my pastor for the longest time - 16 years, not counting serving as an associate under Rev. Stump for a year when I had previously been at Arlington.
  27. Tommy Johnston, Castleton Community Church, Indianapolis, IN.
  28. Dr. Jeremy Couture, Northside Baptist Church, Indianapolis, where Becky and I currently attend.

I would like to thank each of these men for their leadership and for being a blessing to me, and especially their faithfulness to serving the Lord Jesus Christ.

Does anybody else have a pastor they want to thank?