Saturday, August 21, 2021


Refugees of Parga by Francesco Hayez


 "But the end of all things is at hand. Therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers." 1 Peter 4:7, NKJV.

Is what's going on in Afghanistan a sign of the end times? Maybe, maybe not. What has no maybe about it is that we need to take Peter's advice on being serious and watchful in our prayers.

Today, Becky received three calls to prayer for Afghanistan from different ministries on our e-mail, and she thought the three put together made an interesting picture.

  1. Franklin Graham is calling for a day of prayer tomorrow (Aug. 22) for Afghanistan. Yes, there is a place for private prayer, but there is also a place for public petition for great needs. There were corporate prayer meetings called by great leaders like Samuel, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, Esther and Mordecai, and Nehemiah. After being threatened by the Sanhedrin, Peter and John met with the congregation and prayed for boldness. And we should be praying for those who are being kept from leaving Afghanistan.
  2. Gregg Harris, THRU the BIBLE's President (the ministry founded by Dr. J. Vernon McGee), also asked for prayer for our fellow believers in Afghanistan. Harris said, "This is a young church, a dynamic church, one of the fastest growing in the world, that was already under great persecution and suffering. And now, unless God intervenes, they will be facing even greater persecution and possible and probably martyrdom for their faith in Jesus." He then adds their work in the Pashto language spoken by millions in Afghanistan. "The vision is that anyone in that region will be able to hear the clear, systematic teaching of the Bible through the ministry of THRU the BIBLE in the Pashto language."
  3. Michael Youseff of Leading The Way mentions various ways to pray, including 1) for a hedge of protection around His people - especially women and children; 2) for the conversion those in power in the Taliban, and 3) that God can bring good in the midst of tragedy. Youseff then adds, "But remember this: if we don't remember them in their time of need, who will remember us in time of need?" He closes by urging us to pray and trust God to do the impossible.

One other thing that Youseff pointed out is that we shouldn't be pointing fingers. AMEN. In addition to praying for the people in Afghanistan, we should be on our knees interceding for President Biden. Right now, the question of whether he did the right thing is not the issue. We see him standing by his decision, but what is going on inside? Could it be that God is dealing with him? We need to pray for President Biden, not with a political mindset, but remembering he was made in the image of God just as we are.

Will you join me in praying for this need, individually and in groups, and praying that God uses it for His glory?

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