Tuesday, August 27, 2024


I have finished my third reading of this classic. The first time, it was a text-book on the Doctrine of God at Bible college. This time, I'm leading a study on this book with four other friends at church, with three different covers on the books we're reading. Three of them are using the above edition; my nearly 40 year old printing is falling apart as we go through it.

For those unfamiliar with "Knowledge of the Holy" by A.W. Tozer, this book focuses on the attributes of God. Tozer points out that our finite, created, minds are not capable to understand a Sovereign, Omnipotent (all powerful), Omnipresent (present everywhere), Omniscient (all knowing), eternal (operating outside of time), self-sufficient (in other words, He doesn't need us) Creator. Yet that same Creator is calling us to turn to Him.

Almost every chapter starts off with a prayer, and each chapter closes with a poem. Some of the language is more traditional, King James style. But this book is a welcome challenge, and I believe every Christian should read it, and it might open the eyes of some who aren't Christians. 

I highly recommend this book.

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