Thursday, May 25, 2023


 How did K-404 end up in this pile of discarded technology? Why is there a disconnect of years in his memory? And can he protect his friends, humans that distrust him, and himself from annihilation?

If you enjoy dystopian science fiction and you have yet to discover Kerry Nietz, shame on you. And "Lost Bits" is the place to start. Those who are familiar with the Dark Trench Saga, the Peril in Plain Space trilogy, "Mask," and his "Rhats!" additions to the Takomo Universe, you enjoy his creative new novel.

I'm not a super geek, but this book has some inside jokes I got. For example, you'll notice that on the title has a zero and a one in the title, the two numbers of the binary system. Likewise, each chapter is designated by the typical arabic numbers (such as 21) and the binary counterpart (0001 0101). Not to mention the dreaded 404 code when something's not found. But you'd expect no less from the computer programmer who wrote of his experiences with Fox Software in his autobiographical "Fox Tales."

One thing I enjoy about Nietz is that he deals with community and friendship. I enjoy his friendships of ThreadBare and BullHammer in the Dark Trench Shadow series and with Frolic and Abs in the Rhats books. Here, we find 404 befriended by Sam, Wes, Blue, Fuzzy, and Radial. 

As usual for a book by Kerry Nietz, I highly recommend this story.


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