Friday, September 16, 2022


Why does everybody around Alice seem so abnormal? Except for her sister. But why is her normal sister arrested for being abnormal? Or is she her sister? And why does this quirky guy keep smiling like ... wait. Isn't his name Chess Shire?

First, let me establish the facts. I grew up a couple of miles from Disneyland, and my favorite ride was Alice In Wonderland, original version (I rode the new version once, and liked the original better). Forget the Disney Princesses: my childhood crushes were Alice and the Sunmaid Raisin Girl. When I was 9 or 10, I read a two-story volume featuring Alice In Wonderland and Peter Pan. I didn't see the animated version till I was an adult; I have yet to see Tim Burton's live version. So yes, the Wonderland angle interested me. Plus, one of my favorite Publishing Companies, Enclave Publishing, released it.

On the other hand, I have not read the Hunger Games. I saw segments of the first two movies while working out at the YMCA. I am not a Dystopian fan. But with the little I know of that series, I think I could call this story "The Hunger Games In Wonderland."

How good a book is this? I'll put it this way - 1) my favorite characters are minor ones, and don't really like any of the key characters; 2) it is fantastic and unbelief suspending to a point it's past my comfort zone; 3) it's also too dystopian for my comfort zone; and 4)...

I. COULD. NOT. PUT. THIS. BOOK. DOWN! (Upside up, or upside town, with or without tea.)

If you are an Alice fan, a dystopian fan, or a fantasy fan, you'll enjoy this book. If not... you still might enjoy this, like I did.

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