Friday, June 28, 2024


Meredith Dunkel of Undefeated prepares to sing Star Spangled Banner to start Saturday's program, with host and performer Matt Moore on stage with her to the right.

When Kingdom Come Festival (afterward referred to as KCF) started in 2010, Becky and I had already been Indianapolis residents for almost 15 years. It was another 11 years before we heard about the festival. In '21, I learned about it too late, so I passed. In '22, I debated between that festival and Get To The Point festival, which was smaller and closer. Last year, I went and spent Saturday there, hearing 7 bands (all on the Redemption stage). This year, I mentioned to Becky that I could go again on Saturday and not have to take time off work. She told me: "You enjoy it. Take the day off and go both days!" So I did. (Note - technically, it starts Thursday nights, before being all day on two stages Friday and Saturday.)

And let me point out a fact - yes, I go there for the music, but I also look for an opportunity to volunteer. It didn't work out in '23's KCF, but I had the honor of being part of the welcome team at the Pit Fest last October and both Friday and Saturday this year.

With Lifted Veils

Let me run down the groups I got to hear, and if there's something that really stands out (besides "Great concert!"), I'll point it out. Then, I'll mention other high points, as well as an answer to the question "Is KCF a 'get away from it all' blessing, or is it something that's affecting your life? Also, there is
Autumn Eve

the main stage and the Subculture Stage - I'll put an asterisk if it's the latter. So here's my itinerary:

FRIDAY 11:50 am - WITH LIFTED VEILS.* (Note - if you're volunteering, and during that time a group you want to hear is performing, they let you go, and this was the case here.)
Reclaim The Day, Zahna

FRIDAY  1:30 pm - AUTUMN EVE. (Another concert I wanted to hear during my volunteer time.) Two notes - it's the first time I've seen a guitarist or bass player (the latter in this case) use a bow. Also, I was amused at looking at the main schedule and seeing four performers in a row were Autumn Eve, Mourning Eve, Reclaim the Day, and Samuel Day.

Samuel Day
I love this band - second time I heard them live. I was eating lunch and not where I could see their first song (wish I could have paid attention to it). And I know enough about the groups that when Zahna got on stage and sang "Chokehold" with RTD's Becca Sugg, I was as surprised as I was when I saw the sun set in the west.
Hello Luna
But enjoyed it! 



SATURDAY 10:00 am - TRUE REVIVAL. They had a bump - their regular drummer broke his arm two days before the performance! They had a back-up drummer, but it meant I have to wait to hear their new songs!

SATURDAY 10:35 am - BRVVE.* Actually, the difference between BRVVE and With Lifted Veils was who the lead singer was and whether they had an
True Revival

electric guitar in the band, as well as if one member was playing drums or conga. But two things stood out in this set. First, on the second song, I heard what sounded like cooing, looked up, and saw a couple of birds fly to the ceiling and enjoy the concert from the rafters. Second, Dale Vaughn of SubCulture Outreach Community
got up before they finished, preacched, and let a short revival. 

SATURDAY 11:30 am - DIVINE MARTYR. With two stages, how often do I have two bands I really want to see perform at the same time? Believe it or not, not often. This was an exception. However, let me confess that my favorite rock
Divine Martyr

genre is symphonic metal, which is what Divine Martyr is. Also, I found out Glenn Hatmaker, a friend that I used to work with, was coming up particularly to hear DM. If he hadn't, I would have listened to a song by I Am The Pendragon before going to hear Divine Martyr.
I Am The Pendragon

By the way, my favorite drummer to watch is Mark McKowen.

 SATURDAY 11:20ish am - I AM THE PENDRAGON.* Remember me mention that there was a mini-revival during BRVVE's set? Would you be surprised to know it messed the Sub Culture Stage's schedule? Though I'm not sure I'd call it messed up. Instead of 

starting and finishing
 ten minutes before Divine Martyr started on the main stage, they were approximately ten minutes behind! Thus, I got to bring Glenn to hear their

last two songs, for him to be impressed by the voice of lead singer Jerrod Cunningham, and to see Kevin "Moose" Busch get off the platform and wander through the crowd
Me with Jermaine Lajuane Nixon

while playing his bass.

SATURDAY 1:00 pm - UNDEFEATED.   Remember me mentioning that Divine Martyr's Mark McKowen is my favorite drummer to watch? Well, he has competition in Christian Dunkel of Undefeated - his constant smile is contagious. 

I managed to catch a few songs by other artists as well, such as Nate Parrish and Brandon Michael (recommended by my

Me with Jammin Shue

photographer friend Chad Fenner (who worked on the SubCulture Stage. But the one song I heard by Tricord: "Into The Storm."

So what can compete with all the great music? Actually, it's not close. Both days, I felt I was among family. Always 1 Ministry's Chris Bousum, the brothers in True Revival, the guys of Divine Martyr, Jerrod Cunningham and Kevin "Moose" Busch of I Am The Pendragon, New Day Rising's Jammin Shue, and Nicole Drennan

Me, John Harin, Reece Maopolski 

(aka BRVVE) all made me feel I belonged there. Add to that getting to meet Jermaine Lajaune Nixon of Tricord, and it was the closest thing to a reunion. (Since I don't have any kids, I thought of adopting a band or two, except musicians have a penchant for expensive toys.)

One neat thing - they were collecting get well cards for my buddy David Paconi of TheoTerran, who has been dealing with a ruptured appendix and chemo-therapy.

Me, Josiah Brand (Fyrebrand)
However, something hit me late Saturday afternoon. A blog from last year mentioned me thinking of a music chaplaincy (Becky's suggestion, based on me wanting to encourage Christian musicians). I have already made a regular prayer list for musicians I pray for each week. 

So guess what I did? I went back to the merchandise tent and the booths in the SubCulture stage, and asked several musicians how I could pray for them. This allowed me to meet Reece Maopolski and John Haring of Brotality, rapper Damac, and Josiah Brand (aka Fyrebrand).

Now, I just have to count the days to the Pit Fest!


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