Friday, June 21, 2024


Baptistry at Arlington Avenue Baptist Church, Indianapolis

 "My voice You shall hear in the morning, O LORD; 
In the morning I direct it to You and will look up."
Psalm 5:3, NKJV

First, I will pray to God: I will communicate with Him. Too many don't take that step. To many, it's a duty, not a privilege, looking at it as a person who submits a shopping list to the store app, and then waiting to see if we receive what we ask, but not personal interaction.

Second, It's important to start in the morning as well. True, any time we pray is important. There are verses that include the evening (Psalm 92:2 for example). But I want God to be directing me from the beginning of the day. I want to ask God to lead me on His path before I start out and be dependent on Him. And I want to start following as soon as I get energy, rather than wait till bed time.

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