Sunday, June 30, 2024



International Learning Center, Rockville, VA

"As for the saints who are on the earth,

They are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight."

Psalm 16:3, NKJV

This Psalm starts off with David stating that his trust is in the Lord, and that his goodness is nothing compared to God. But now the focus is on "the saints who are on the earth." Saints - i.e. holy ones - can mean angels, but in the New Testament it refers to the believers, and I believe that's true with a lot of the OT references, including this one.

Being with the godly is my delight. This shows up in my love for fellow believers - that is, the local church. It also is reflected in my love and prayer for Christian musicians. Yes, I like music, but those who use their gifts for God's glory are at a higher notch than the music of the world.

Too often, I see Christians looking for reasons not to delight in other Christians, or even delighting in tearing others down because of "bad doctrine" (translated beliefs different than ones I hold on what I want to make issued). That grieves me. It's enough for the world to hate us. The last thing I want to do is assist the devil in tearing other believers down. True, Christianity is a remnant, but I have a strong hunch the remnant is bigger than we may think it is.

Lord, I want to thank you for other believers: for those I fellowship with regularly in the local church,  for those who minister to my spirit through preaching the Word and through setting it to music. Help me be an encouragement to my brothers and sisters. In Jesus name, Amen.

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