Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Northside Baptist Church. The sign is announcing a block party that day (June 5, '24) promoting Vacation Bible School from July 15-19.

Ready to get tired out? I'd like to share what Becky and I have done/plan on doing from May 31st to June 16th. (This, of course, is in addition to my job and our normal responsibilities.)

May 31 - Becky goes to Wesleyan University in Marion, IN, and serves at Christian Youth In Action (CYIA), training teenagers to share the gospel at 5 Day Clubs with Child Evangelism Fellowship.

June 2 - I serve at church working the cameras in the media room.

June 4 - My interview with Jerrod Cunningham of I Am The Pendragon and XIII Minutes, posted a week ago. Yes, I'm in a phase of struggling to keep up with blogs on my set days that when I post it, I count that as an accomplishment. 

June 5 - I take part of a block-party at our home church, Northside Baptist, to promote Vacation Bible School in the middle of July. This is during the Crossover ministry, where in preparation for the annual Southern Baptist Convention, churches come to local churches in the city hosting the convention and help in the outreach. People came out of town and did the behind the scenes work while the church members were free to talk to any visitors. 

June 7 - Becky comes home from CYIA.

June 8 - We visit a couple of friends to celebrate the birthday of one of them.

June 9 - We go to a graduation celebration of the daughter of friends/former fellow church members we've known for years (two of three of the graduate's older brothers weren't born when we met our friends). Also, we served as greeters in the Prayer room for the Southern Baptist Conventions Pastor meeting and national convention.

June 10 - Writing this blog, which will be posted electronically at 6am the next morning. I was originally planning on writing this on the 8th so it could be up on the 9th, but yes, I missed another blog!

June 11 - When this has posted, I'm on my way to the Southern Baptist Church where I'll be spending the day being a greeter (taking a day off work for this purpose). My alarm is set earlier than normal, and I won't get home till after the time I normally call it a day. 

June 13 - Posting a book review of "31 Spiritual Lesson I've Learned From My Dog" by Raylene King. The authors and their rambunctious little dog are personal friends of mine. 

June 14 - Taking another day off work. I'll be driving up to Greentown, IN, to the Kingdom Come Festival, put on by Always 1 Ministries. Yes, I'm going to hear some good music, but I'm also going to be doing some volunteer work, and have the goal of encouraging and praying with several of my musician friends. 

June 15 - It's Saturday, so I won't be taking the day off, but I'll be returning to the Kingdom Come Festival.

June 16 - Father's Day. This will be the 5th Father's day after my dad went home to be with the Lord (Becky's passed in '98), so no plans to be with him, and the children we don't have haven't planned anything. (Maybe I should adopt some of the bands at the festival mentioned above?) But I will be at church in the media room again, and I plan on following my friend Nick Laurino's suggestion of wearing a Hawaiian shirt on Father's Day. Finally, I'm planning on posting a blog about a slight change in the day-to-day of this blog.

Yep, I'll be ready for a nap after all that. How about you?


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