Sunday, May 26, 2024


Soldiers/Sailors Monument, downtown Indianapolis


Happy Memorial Day! You know it's for the purpose of honoring those who died in military service, and probably that it was formerly termed as "Decoration Day," because of the graves being decorated then. 

You may or may not be aware that it started in 1868, following the Civil War. (I wasn't aware until I just looked it up, but I'm not surprised.) I also forgot that when I was in elementary school, it was celebrated on May 30th.

Growing up in Southern California, I heard of the Indianapolis 500, but I didn't pay much attention to it. (Even though I've lived in Indianapolis for over a quarter of a century, I still don't, but that's another story.) It originally was tied in to the holiday, and ran on May 30th each year, UNLESS it was on Sunday, when they ran it a different day of the week. 

Things changed in 1971 when Congress standardized Memorial Day being the last Monday in May. I believe that's when they stopped observing Lincoln's and Washington's birthdays (respectively February 12th and February 22nd) and replaced them with President's the Day, which is the third Monday in February. Notice how they liked creating three day weekends?

I'm sure you're aware that pro-and con- are prefixes that mean the opposite? Likewise, my hunch is you know an excellent example is progress and Congress. Is the date changing example? Let me tell you why I think it is.

For me, Memorial Day is not a day I think much of, because I do not personally know anyone who died defending our country. But to me, it should be a solemn day, not a day to party and have fun. By the way, speaking of fun, I'm sure you're aware that after Memorial Day changed to a set day of the year, the 500 went from being run on Memorial Day but never on Sunday to being run the day before Memorial Day, that is, always on Sunday (unless God tells them by rain to wait a day).

You know what I'd like to see, though? A Christian version of Memorial Day where we remember our fellow brothers and sisters who died for their faith in spiritual warfare. Actually, we have two days that fulfill that role, and they happen to be close to each other.

On November first, we have... Come on! You should be aware of this! I have been trying to promote All Saints Day  for years, not just as a Catholic Day to honor the canonized saints (for example, including church fathers St. Irenaeus and St. Athanasius, but not two other church fathers, Tertullian and Origen, who never were canonized), but to honor all saints - that is, all believers.

 Then, on the first Sunday of November, there is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. After all, Christians are suffering and many paying the ultimate price for their faith in many countries around the world.

Back to Memorial Day. As I stated, I don't know of anybody who died for our country. Becky's father and uncle served in the Korean War; I don't know anybody in my family who served. But those who died for their country deserve to be honored. So should Christians who deny self, take up their cross daily, and follow Christ.

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