Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Autumn Eve; Ben Cooper on the left.

Did you ever guess I enjoy discovering new artists? 

Late last year, I discovered Autumn Eve. And I'll have the privilege of getting to hear her at Kingdom Come Festival this year!

But before the interview, let me give an update. I believe I was tested as I was getting this ready to post! Normally, when I post an interview, I put my questions in black and a color for the interviewee(s). Well, for some reason last night, I was unable to get Autumn's responses to show up in color! I was going to use a deeper indent, but that's not the same. Well, today, I figured out a way to get her comments in color, but that involved copying and pasting and using the notepad to keep the lettering and size and color. By the way, it's not unusual for Blogger to change some of my font from large (my personal default) to either small or extra large, and it did that on this as well!

JR: Welcome to my blog. How did you come to Christ, and what got you interested in music? 
AE: Hi there, Jeffrey! I came to Christ when I was about 4 years old. My mom shared the gospel with me in our living room when we were living in Atlanta, GA. That's where I was born. 
    Ever since I was young, I felt the pull towards music so strong. There are videos of me bouncing to the beat as a baby. I've always sang improv and wrote my own songs. I was extremely interested in rock music after hearing Creed for the first time and Flyleaf as a teenager. 

JR: I thoroughly enjoy your two singles, “Courageous” and “Blood, Sweat, and Tears.” Would you like to tell us about them? 
AE: Yes! Thank you. The lyrics for "Courageous" were inspired from my personal experience with PTSD and the encouragement from Joshua 1:9: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
    As a domestic violence survivor, sharing my experience through song is so empowering and validating. Being real about what it feels like to have PTSD, yet also living empowered as an overcomer is the balance I aim for and wanted to offer to listeners. 
    "Courageous" is also a very interesting song for me because it was written when I was single, recorded when I was married, and released after that relationship ended. I felt God giving me this impression about "Courageous" saying, "You have to walk through courage before you can sing about it." It's interesting how courage often doesn't feel courageous. True courage is being willing to go onwards and trust God even when you have walked through the darkest and most soul-crushing times in your life. 
    The story behind "Blood, Sweat and Tears" is almost like a sequel to "Courageous," but more personal and about waking up and recognizing abuse in a relationship. It is often very difficult to distinguish gaslighting and manipulation when you had a rough childhood. Survivors are so use to being mistreated that it's almost like our heart's radar is broken to it because we don't have many memories of healthy, safe relationships: like a broken compass.             "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" asks the questions of someone who is beginning to wake up, realize, and dare to challenge the mistreatment for the first time. This song is also about committing to reality, seeing the darkness for what it is, not covering up or downplaying your own personal experience, and not letting the abuser off the hook at your sake to keep the peace. I hope this song will help listeners realize that by staying with an emotionally unsafe manipulator they are allowing the suffering to continue and it is not their fault. They can get out. They can get their life back even if it takes blood, sweat, and tears to overcome and get out. 
    "I'm so happy with this song because in the bridge, the empowerment hits and the clarity comes. I hope this song will help listeners going through an abusive relationship to shift their mentality, choose to get out, choose to help themselves, and understand no amount of love they give to the other person can heal or fix their partner. Only leaving the situation and surrendering the person to God can help them reclaim their own life and personal sanity. 
    Some of the lyrics say:     
"Are your words the reason I am this way?
Who is safe to share the pain? 
Is it like this forever?"
    and becomes
"Now I see 
It's not me who needs to 
Heal your insecurities." 

JR: I know this is your first time you’re at Kingdom Come Festival. Is this your first summer traveling to festivals? What do you believe God is teaching you during this tour? 
AE: I am so excited to perform my songs this year at KCF! I got the honor of performing impromptu last year with my bro, David Bean, from Red Letter Rising on one of his songs. That was very special for me. But this will be my first time traveling out of Texas to perform my full set with my band. Please come say hi!
    Wow, I like that question, "What is God teaching me during this tour?" I believe God is teaching me about surrender, and how he brings my chaos into order. There is this interesting balance I feel as a musician and traveling performer of upholding excellence without holding on too tightly to delivering my music with perfection.
    I think God is also stretching me in my personal life with this also because I have given up everything to do music this year. I got sick 3 times, lost my job, and God rerouted me to begin a wonderful and new dating relationship a month ago with one of my bandmates, Ben.
    All of my plans and living my situation have changed this year while pursuing music whole heartedly. All of my stuff is in storage. I'm on the road all of the time, which God did tell me about last summer. I don't have a solid concept of home at the moment, which is okay, just strange, but it is all so stretching. Even though I want control and to have predictable outcomes in my life and music, bending is the way. I feel like a free-spirit-nomad right now, which can be very beneficial and beautiful at times.
    All of this leads me to learn more about surrender, trust, and allowing God to move me and direct my steps to where he wants me to go, like Joseph in the Bible. He was constantly redirected for good, even when Joseph didn't understand and things looked so negative. God kept bringing him exactly where he needed to be, rerouting Joseph when he did not have control.
    I feel the invitation from the story of Joseph to keep having a confident, real faith in God for my life through the chaos and things outside of my control. All of the redirecting was an answered prayer for Joseph, his family, the nation of Egypt, and the entire ancient world at that time. God brings our chaos into order so beautifully when we keep trusting in him and do our part. 

JR: Allow me give an unusual question: Let’s say the people in the Bible (not counting Jesus) were all lead singers in bands. Who would you probably be touring with? 
AE: Haha, probably Deborah. She has an awesome death core and symphonic metal sound. We do prison ministry together and hang out. 

JR: Who would you say is your target audience, who you’re writing and singing for? In other words, what’s the message behind the music you’re trying to convey? 
AE: My target audience actually comes from Isaiah 61:1-3:
"The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,
    because the Lord has anointed me
    to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
    to proclaim freedom for the captives
    and release from darkness for the prisoners,[a]
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor
    and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn,
and provide for those who grieve in Zion—
to bestow on them a crown of beauty
    instead of ashes,
the oil of joy
    instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise
    instead of a spirit of despair." 
This is a big part of my message and my audience. 

JR: Thanks for your time. What is next on the horizon, and how can we keep up with you (e.g. websites, social media)? And do you have any concluding comments? 
AE: I am so glad to you asked me to share. My goal is to keep recording each song for my album, "Rival Dreams" so you get to hear more music! My new song, "Make You Mad" will be out this summer. This song is my absolute favorite out of all of them so far. Please follow me and shoot me a message anytime!

View autumnevemusic’s Linktree. Listen to their music on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music here.


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