Tuesday, July 6, 2021



Are you aware that solid Biblical teaching (also known as Sound Doctrine) has an effect on other areas of your life, such as loving others, corporate worship, personal holiness, etc.? Bobby Jamieson does an excellent job of showing the importance of good Scriptural teaching, likening it to being a professional jazz musician (he was one) and a surfer (again, he was one).

What is sound doctrine? Jamieson defines it as the teaching  that is consistent through Scripture. The drawback on the subject - good Christian teachers sometimes disagree on what sound doctrine is. To some, sound doctrine would include the eternal security of the believer, while another believes sound doctrine allows a Christian to fall from grace. For the most part, Jamieson doesn't get into areas of controversy, though he does mention the doctrine of election later in the book. Rather, his examples are in areas of doctrine most Christians regardless of denomination would agree on.

This book is part of the 9Marks series.

How does Biblical doctrine (i.e. teaching) affect your life? What sources do you use to increase your knowledge of doctrine?

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