Sunday, May 30, 2021

BOOK REVIEW: Another Gospel by Alisa Childers


 How would you respond if your faith is challenged by those you trust to help you defend it? Alisa Childers had that experience, which she describes in her book Another Gospel?: A Lifelong Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity. In this, she points out the differences between Progressive Christianity and what she terms as Historic Christianity.

What would you consider essentials in the Christian faith? The sacrificial death and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ? The inerrancy and authoritativeness of Scripture? Eternal blessing of those who obey God and eternal condemnation of those who reject His salvation? Childers tells how each of these "non-negotiables" are up for debate in Progressive Christianity. She mentions how phrases such as "the inspiration of the Bible" are redefined.

Why should a person continue in the faith of the last 2000 years instead of being open to new ideas? What evidence is there for traditional Christianity? Childers gives details of her research and how the beliefs she had from youth were confirmed, allowing her to be stronger in the faith.

Alisa Childers was a member of the group Zoe Girl. Her father,
Chuck Girard, also had a solo career and was a member of the Jesus music pioneer band Love Song. 

Have you had your faith challenged? Where would you turn to for the purpose of strengthening your faith?

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