Sunday, July 7, 2024


CEF International Headquarters, Warrenton, MO

"May He send you help from the sanctuary

And strengthen you from Zion."

Psalm 20:2, NKJV

What are my three favorite Psalms? Would you count me an infidel if the 23rd Psalm isn't that high? Believe it or not, it's 6th place? The top three consist of, in order, Psalms 84, 67, and 20. (For the curious, 4th and 5th, respectively, are 27 and 119.)

Today, I'm focusing on Psalm 20. Why do I place it so high? Is it verse 7, which says "Some trust in chariots and some in horses," and some paraphrase, "Some trust in Cadillacs and some in Porshes?" No, it's the first five verses.

Alex Darnall, worship leader at Northside Baptist Church in Indianapolis, was doing a devotional series on the Psalms and commented on the 20th that it's in context of the King addressing his army. I didn't think of that, and it sounds good. But I looked at it as a great Psalm to pray for others, particularly the first 5 verses.

When I looked at this Psalm a couple of days ago, I felt I needed the prayer from verse 2 for me personally.

PRAYER: Lord, I need Your help; please send me help from Your Sanctuary in heaven. I need Your strength; please strengthen me from Zion. And Lord, please let me know of any brothers and sisters in You that need encouragement and need me to pray this Psalm for them.


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