Thursday, June 15, 2023



I first learned of "Citizen Kane" in a high school class, "American Humor and the Aescetics of Film." Since then, I started watching it three different times, and probably never got a fourth of the way through it.

You've probably heard it referred to as the greatest film made. After watching it, I won't argue. Director/star Orson Welles did an excellent job with directing, using atypical film angles and good music. One other stroke of genius was having a cast of unknowns. 

I've hear someone say that a lot of people admire the movie but not many actually like it. I can agree with that sentiment. To me, this movie is a tragedy, and reminds me of Lawrence Olivier's "Hamlet." 

Sometimes, seeing an older film/actor reminds me of a more contemporary thespian. This was true here - I could picture Robert Downey Jr. pulling the role off. There are parallels between Kane and Tony Stark.

While not a movie I'll probably rewatch, I think the movie is an excellent telling of "What does it profit if a man gains the whole world but forfeits his soul?" One of the character said that he was Kane's only friend, or maybe not, which meant Kane had no friends. One of Kane's weaknesses was self-love.

If you want to see a great work of art, see this. It is worth watching. 

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