Tuesday, October 19, 2021



I go through a love/hate relationship with internet groups. I enjoy being in them and like a sense of belonging. Sometimes, though, I think I'm in too many groups and trim them down. One group I stuck with for years is Female Christian Metal & Rock. (For those who thought my music tastes were limited to hymns and classical music, I hate to disappoint you.) Today, I have the honor of interviewing that group's moderator, Richard Preston.

JR: Let's start with the Facebook group. Could you tell us about the group and how you became the administrator of it?

RP: Hey Jeffrey! Well, I am a member of several Christian rock and metal groups. A few are not moderated to where they get any real messages out. Few rarely post concert dates, new groups, release dates, etc. One day earlier this year, I get a post message asking if I want to take over as admin of Female Christian Metal/Rock. I have no idea how I was chosen out of over 500 members. After a moment, I jumped on it. One of the best choices that I have made, EVER. I did change the name to make it sound better. Since taking over, I have introduced many bands. Members have commented on never hearing about some. I enjoy the sharing.

JR: How did you come to Christ, and when did you develop a love of music? Are you a musician yourself? And what is your day job?

RP: My 3 siblings, all younger, were baptized very young at a Baptist church. I sat in a pew each time thinking that something was wrong, this has to be a conscience decision. Years later, I was at a retreat, and there was a call for those that wanted to be saved. Heads bowed, eyes closed. Suddenly, I felt that it was my turn, I raised my hand. I am 55 now, and 2021 has been my most productive year in learning about God and Christ. 

I played the trombone in junior high school. I chose to quit in the ninth grade because I wasn't really that good, in my opinion and, I became bored with it. I do not work. I have been disabled for a number of years. I have neuropathy which limits normal motor functions. But, I am in the process of adapting a book to a screenplay. We will see how one-handed typing works. 

Music started in elementary school. My parents listened to country music. I sort of got into it, but it really wasn't me. A clock radio was put into the room and I started looking for something. I came across 2 AM stations that played disco and pop. It was better, I enjoyed some of it. And then some years on down, friends introduced me to rock and a better station, on FM, 97 Rock. From then on, nothing else. Granted, I still enjoy a little disco, pop, and soft rock music, but nothing beats a screaming guitar.

JR: Can you name three bands/artists that made an impact on your life?

RP: I will go backwards using life impacts. 

  1. My love for guitar based bands/music started with The Little River Band. Hearing Happy Anniversary and Help Is On It's Way was the very start. Great songs and great guitars. Then my friend, Scott, played Def Leppard's Pyromania constantly. That and Night Ranger's Midnight Madness sealed it. Then came the other great rock and metal bands...and MTV! 
  2. Faith-based music started later with Stryper (of course). I became more in-depth with them when the internet came around. Then finding Holy Soldier, Ken Tamplin (Shout), Bloodgood, and some others. I am rather picky. 
  3. I really enjoy working merch tables. I have worked numerous Winter Jams and one festival at Six Flags. Hearing up and comers gives me a chance to find other artists to enjoy. My first time hearing Skillet, I worked handing out some kind of pamphlets. Whispers In The Dark is their typical opener, it became my instant favorite. Then seeing them do Winter Jam and able to slip away to see that one song makes me a happy camper.

JR: A lot of the discussion in the group is promoting the great female singers in Christian rock, but has there been moments where God has worked through the group?

RP: The music business in general is male dominated, including the Christian genres. We are supposed to treat all as equals in Christ, that is my attempt here. I have had male artists attempt to post their music, I just do not let it happen. I cannot say if anything Godly has worked through the group, not much is mentioned in general. I have reposted a few things, such as a “sort of” (her words) testimony from Becca Sugg. And thoughts from bands on other topics. Personally, I have been moved by the thanks I get from the artists that i post. Some privately, and some in comments. At times, just seeing those words bring tears. I am very humble and very happy to do what I do with the group. Anthony from Saving Jackie, we are definitely “one” in Christ. When we talk, we seem to say something the other needs to hear.

JR: I'm sure you'd agree that we're in changing times. What do you see the role of Christian music in general and Christian rock specifically?

RP: Though I am not a CCM fan at all, it seems to be the most popular, and the most flooded out of the Christian genre. Christian rock and metal, at one time, was referred to as the “devil's music”. Not all has to sound like a hymn. Accommodating to the different genres is a must in order to keep God's message flowing positively. I can think of it as a personal thing. Would I as a Believer, listen to CCM if I did not like it? Absolutely not. There are some that can listen to Jeremy Camp, then Skillet without missing a beat. I am not one of them, and there are other people that are the same as me. Then there are some that go with even heavier tunes. If the music honors God, is against Satan, loosen up, it's all good.

JR: Thank you for your time, Richard. Anything else you want to share? If someone's interested in the group, how can they find it?

RP: I do have a blog on Facebook, titled MyJourney. Sadly I do not keep up on it as much as I feel that I should. I currently have several about to go live. The topic is about my journey learning about God and Christ, my thoughts about anything in my life related to Them. My page can be found on Facebook, and a Google search will bring it up, Female Christian Rock & Metal. Jeffrey, I am humbly honored, thank you.

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