Tuesday, September 14, 2021



When I worked at Opryland, I originally looked forward to going to the cafeteria in hopes of mingling with others. After several lunches spent with me, myself, and I, I started bringing my Bible and using that time to read. 

One lunch, someone asked me about what I was reading. It was Dan Schafer, who was part of the Country and Bluegrass show at the time. Since then we've become good friends, and I thought it would be fun to interview him. So, without further ado...

JR: A double whammy question to start: How did you come to Christ, and how did you get into music?

DS: I was raised Roman Catholic, many years in Catholic school, catechism, etc., so I knew about Jesus and the Bible, but I didn’t read it and was indifferent about the whole religion thing. I believed in God and really thought I had a relationship with him till later in my teen years. Because I was in the arts, I got seduced into the New Age, Eastern thing. Really searched for truth many years. I came to Christ in 1985 after experiencing a bad car accident & having many Christians witness to me & steer me to the Bible. The fulfilled Old Testament  prophecies of Jesus astonished me, and I was surprised at the evidence of 6 day creation which I had been taught was just poetic language. I chose the literal interpretation from the facts I had discovered. Years later I became enthralled by denominational differences, the Doctrines of Grace and the exposing of false doctrine, still present in the world and the apostate church.

I was raised by 2 musicians. My father was a full time musician/DJ who was extremely passionate about music..especially country. He had a great voice and very proficient on guitar & mandolin. My mom played bass & had a terrific harmony ear. I started playing around 10 years old. Once I graduated from high school, I never worked a job outside music.

JR: Howard Hendricks said every man needs a Paul (a mentor), a Barnabas (a friend to encourage), and a Timothy (someone to keep the 2 Timothy 2:2 chain going). Who have filled these roles either in the faith or in music (or both)?

DS: John MacArthur has had the deepest impact on my focus on the Bible. His teaching and commentaries have aided in my sanctification process. I learned a lot from Dave Hunt & Hal Lindsey and R.C. Sproul. I currently follow Todd Friel, as well. I enjoy his humor and candidness.

Musically, it would have to be my Dad and various people and teachers I worked with or encountered. I am very influenced by the Byrds, Beatles, Kinks, Carpenters, David Foster, George Benson, Steve Howe (Yes).

JR: I believe God places every believer where they are for a purpose. How have you seen God working with where he has placed you?

DS: I’m just amazed at where He puts me and love to watch him work in front of me whether it be pleasant or to temper me. His Providence is wonderful!

JR: Sometimes Country artists are sterotyped as closing a set about drinking and cheating with a Gospel song. I'm sure you are probably aware of Spiritual warfare around you. What are some of the greatest tests, and how has God strengthened and encouraged you as you are serving in the mission field (and yes, I believe Bible Belt Buckle Nashville Tennessee is a very difficult mission field.

DS: I have not encountered too much difficulty. Most of my best opportunities have been because I am a Christian. I’m a firm believer in Christian liberty and have no problems singing a heartbreak-drinking song and a hymn in the same set. I will back off a song that has some seriously bad subject matter, but God can work how He wants to when He wants to. That’s His Providence.

JR: Thank you for your time, Dan. What are you doing musically? Do you have any projects or concerts you want to promote, or any books to recommend?

DS: I’m semi-retired now, enjoying time with wife and grandkids. (2 boys) I still play live sometimes 5 days/nights a week. No recording projects. Just amazed at God’s mercy to allow my to work in a music world controlled by 30 year olds.

Book recommendations would be anything by John MacArthur (my favorites are The Gospel According to Jesus and Strange Fire) or R. C. Sproul.

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