Tuesday, August 23, 2022


Courtesy of Emily Shuff Photography, LLC

What two things do YA baseball novelist John R. Cooper, suspense author Allistair MacLean, and Queen of Crime Agatha Christie have in common?

  1. They are on my list of favorite authors.
  2. They passed away before I had a chance to interview them.

My other favorite authors weren't so lucky. Or is a better way to put it that I've been blessed to interview my writing heroes, and as a result I've had many enjoyable interviews either on this interview or ones with Hoosier Ink (blog page for ACFW Indiana Chapter) and Sleuths and Suspects.

 I can give you a list, and if you ask nicely I will, but I'd like to get to the point you've probably figured out: Today I'm sharing an interview with one of those writing heroines: Jessica Patch. I discovered her when I started reading Love Inspired Suspense (along with Jodie Bailey, who's also on the list). You may remember my drawing of my 20 favorite characters? In that collection was Wilder Flynn, the hero of the first Jessica Patch novel I read, Deadly Obsession. I've read all three of her Cold Case Investigators this year, and have a few more on my list. 

JR: Welcome to Friends of the Prophets blog! I'll start with the basics: How did you come to Christ, and when did you get interested in writing?

JP: I was raised in a Christian home and gave my life to Jesus at age 10. I’ve always loved writing but pursued it professionally in 2008.

JR: Would you like to tell us about your new release Her Darkest Secret? What inspired the story? Or is this a dark secret?

JP: This book follows a fictional FBI team, the Strange Crimes Unit as they track down a Memphis serial killer who is staging his victims in nursery rhyme poses. I think my grandma inspired it with her many nursery rhymes she used to tell me as a child. I just tweaked them a little. 😀

JR: I'll admit - the cover of Cold Case Killer Profile makes this California/Arizona boy homesick. Anything you'd like to say about that novel and the Quantico Profilers? How does Her Darkest Secret differ genre-wise from the Love Inspired Suspense stories you've written?

JP: I love writing about the FBI heroes who profile. It’s fun series with older characters. Her Darkest Secret is a psychological thriller and Love Inspired Suspense are well…suspenses. Less gritty and complex as a trade length book.

JR: Are you more of a plotter or a blank pager? Related - when you start a series, how much do you know about the later stories?

JP: I have to be plotter since my Publisher requires full synopses for each book!  I know enough to write a back cover blurb which isn’t a lot. 😀

JR: I've noticed a section on your web-site about speaking, as well as a recent pod-cast on setting with Lisa Harris. What are your favorite parts about writing? And what advice would you give to an aspiring writer?

JP: I speak often at women’s conferences and events. I really can’t pick a favorite part since I love it all. Be disciplined and write daily! 

JR: Thank you very much for your time. How can we keep up with what you're writing next? And what does the coming year look like writing and otherwise?

JP: You can sign up on my webpage for my Patched In Newsletter which you receive monthly. The coming year is busy busy with writing new books and releasing them!

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