Tuesday, February 25, 2025


 Is Finn Donovan guilty of murdering his recently discovered birth father, or has he been framed? Since he's been found guilty, why was the van transporting him attacked? And why choose his ex-girlfriend, Deputy Selena Smith, and her Belgian Malinois K-9 partner of all people (and dogs)?

"Chasing Justice" by Valerie Hansen is book 3 of the 9 volume, multi-author Mountain Country K-9 Unit series from Harlequin's Love Inspired Suspense imprint. As you'd expect, you have plenty of action, starting from the beginning when a truck pushes the vehicle transporting Donavan off a cliff and continuing to the showdown between the bad person and the heroes of this story. There's also development and chemistry between the male and female leads of this story.

Considering this is the third book of a series, should you read parts one and two first? You can enjoy this story if you read this by itself, but I would recommend that you first read "Baby Protection Mission" by Laura Scott and "Her Duty Bound Defender" by Sharee Stover (respectively books 1 and 2 of this series). As usual, this series combines a unique romantic suspense novel (in this case, the story of Finn and Selena) with three sub-plots that span the whole series. In the Mountain Country K-9 Unit collection, these are trying to catch the Rocky Mountain Killer (aka RMK) who committed three murders ten years ago and has resumed with two - or is it three? - new victims; the dognapped therapy dog Cowgirl (is this connected to the RMK?), and the sabotage of their crime tech's chances to be a foster parent. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025


 A one-star review of this book on Amazon was written by someone who was hoping to learn how to destroy Calvinism. To his disappointment, in "Killing Calvinism: How to Destroy a Perfectly Good Theology From the Inside" author Greg Dutcher writes as a Calvinist encouraging fellow Calvinists to avoid various pitfalls which would alienate others from Calvinism.

One doesn't need to spend much time on on-line theological discussions to see Calvinists come across as bullies. I've seen groups where unbelievers were not welcome - "unbelievers" meaning not only Arminians but those who believe Arminians are true Christians. 😱

Dutcher shares eight ways to destroy Calvinism... or to put it more accurately, things to avoid to keep from destroying Calvinism. These are:

  1. By Loving Calvinism as an End in Itself
  2. By Becoming a Theologian Instead of a Disciple
  3. By Loving God's Sovereignty More Than God Himself
  4. By Losing an Urgency in Evangelism
  5. By Learning Only from Other Calvinists
  6. By Tidying Up the Bible's "Loose Ends"
  7. By Being an Arrogant Know-It-All
  8. By Scoffing at the Hang-ups Others Have with Calvinism
As I mentioned, this book is written for Calvinists. Personally, in the Calvinism/Arminianism debate I consider myself a NOTA (None Of The Above). However, I've found this an encouraging book, helping me stay focused on being a disciple/evangelist and listening and respecting those who disagree. In fact, this book has made me lean a little more reformed than before.

I highly recommend this book.

Thursday, February 20, 2025



Why are the children at the orphanage sneaking downstairs after bed-time? And should they worry about the resident bully?

"Fritz and the Midnight Meetup: A True Story About Kids Who Prayed" is a delightful children's book written by Megan Hill (who also wrote the children's book "Meg is Not Alone" as well as non-fiction books dealing with the same themes in her children's books) and illustrated by Chiara Fedele.

I know there was a revival taking place here in the United States right before the Civil War started. That revival was also taking place in Germany. This true story accounts for children who had a heart for prayer and wanted to have prayer meetings like the adults.

There also was a bully in real life, as there was in the story. And the results were also the same.

I highly recommend this book.

Sunday, February 16, 2025



Isn't there supposed to be separation of church and state? 

Dr. Tony Evans takes a completely different view. After all, God created the earth, the family, the church... and government. Governments where the participants are using the Bible and Christlikeness as their guide will succeed; those that don't will become oppressive.

Evans starts with the concept of Kingdom Politics (chapters 1-4). Next, he deals with the priorities of Kingdom Politics (chapters 5-8), such as sanctity of life and justice. Then, he focuses on the Citizens of Kingdom Politics. (Chapters 9-12) This includes in recognizing our citizenship is ultimately in heaven, but we're here to make an impact on our society. He also looks at voting, noting that different Christians will have differing priorities, and pointing out our allegiance should not be to the Democrat or Republican or even Libertarian Party but to the ruler of the kings of the earth, viewing ourselves as Kingdom Independents. 

Finally, he has a conclusion where he presents "A Kingdom Strategy  for Community Transformation, which has a three point plan:

  1. Assemble: Unified Sacred Gathering
  2. Address: Unified Compassionate Voice
  3. Act: Unified Social Impact
I found this to be a very thought provoking book. It is motivating me to do more praying before I vote, as well as to encourage me to get involved. I highly recommend this book.

Thursday, February 13, 2025



Is the body missing after falling off Big Bluff hidden by the killer, or did the body get up by itself and is hiding someplace? Can Katy and her co-worker Nick solve this mystery before the art festival ends and the many suspects head back home? And why does the man who killed his brother/Katy's fiance want to talk to her?

"Big Bluff" is the second of the Katy Russell mystery series by Jackie Zack, and this one is top notch. I was completely surprised when the bad guy is revealed. Great job with interesting characters, from the main character and the possible love interest to the various artists at the art festival. 

I mentioned this is the second in the series. I highly recommend you read the first. There are some characters and storylines from the first that you wouldn't know anything about them without having read the first book. 

I highly recommend this novel.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


 Is due-any-moment Naomi Carr-Cavanaugh a would-be victim of a pair of masked men, or is she a drug-dealing mass murderer? Can Detective/K-9 officer Bennett Ford determine whether she is the long sought after killer or not before some thugs silence her? 

"Her Duty Bound Defender" by Sharee Stover is the second installment of Harlequin's Love Inspired Suspense annual multi-author series Mountain Country K-9 Unit. It has the action, plot twists, and interesting characters (especially the dog). 

Usually, the first story opens with a big crime to be solved (in this case, the Rocky Mountain Killer who murdered three members of a club ten years ago and two more just recently), and the first story has a case where the heroes question if it's connected to the big story (it never is, or it would be a short series). The difference with this series is the second book also follows that pattern; typically books from 2-6 have stories unrelated to the big  story. 

If you are a fan of Love Inspired Suspense and adorable K-9s, I recommend this book. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025


No, I don't read a lot of children's books. I found this one by accident. I heard the author speak on a podcast about the role of the church and fellowship. So I looked up the book she had written and found this book on the same subject but to a different audience. I read it and loved it.

The plot is Meg is accidentally left at church by her parents. It was a scary experience, but several of the church members helped get a hold of Meg's mother and helped her feel comfortable and occupied until her father came to pick her up.

There's a note at the end of the book, pointing out that Megan Hill had that experience as a child... and as an adult. 

I also enjoyed illustrator Samara Hardy's artwork. That aided in the tone of the book.

I highly recommend this for children... and their parents as well.

Thursday, February 6, 2025



I saw Snow White once at the theater when I was young, though I had been on the Snow White ride at Disneyland - the scariest of the four dark rides. Finally, over 55 years later, I sat down and watched it, partially so my memory would wrap around the movie without gaps in what happened.

One thing I forgot about was the number of memorable songs that were in this movie. I remembered, of course, "Heigh Ho" and "Whistle While You Work," but there are others like "I'm Wishing," "One Note," and "Someday My Prince Will Come." After watching it, I looked up some "best musical" lists, and was scandalized "Snow White" didn't make the list! ("Alice In Wonderland" made a couple, and I thought as a musical, "Snow White" was better.

You all know that this is the first animated feature length movie, right? Likewise, I probably don't need to tell you the full story. But if you haven't seen it, most of the rest of this would be a spoiler; if that's the case, continuing in this review would not be unlike taking a bite into a bright red poi... oops, I might be giving something away! 

As far as memories, the Woodsman was not as scary as he was when I was young. (Could it be that I'm in my 60's rather than being 6 or so?) For some reason, I thought the glass coffin preceded the showdown with the evil queen, and I was wrong about that. Finally, I don't remember who my favorite dwarf was when I was younger. I do identify with Sleepy (especially when I worked graveyard shift), but re-watching it, Doc was a highlight.

This movie is definitely a classic because of its place in history, but there were some weak spots. For example, what happened to Snow White's father; wouldn't he have been a king? What relationship is the prince to Snow White - a step relative, or the prince of a rival country? Why would the dwarves put Snow White in a glass coffin? (The narrator says they did because of her beauty, but wouldn't that have disappeared before too long?) Finally, how would the prince know it was Snow White, and even more son, how did he know a kiss would awaken and cure her? 

I will admit - I didn't like the ending. Snow White rode off into her happily ever-after, leaving the dwarves with a "Good-bye." If I was writing the story, she would have found them positions in her administration when she returned home to find out she was the queen. After all, couldn't you picture Grumpy as the attorney general or Dopey as the Press Secretary?

Now, if perchance you haven't been scared off by my commentary, you might enjoy seeing this movie for the first or second or thirty third time.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Who kidnapped Cade McNeal's sister, and why do they want her infant? Does K-9 officer Ashley Hanson and her lab have what it takes to keep them safe? And is there any connection between this case and the Rocky Mountain Killer, who murdered three young men a decade earlier and just recently added two of their friends to the list?

"Baby Protection Mission" by Laura Scott is the first of the Mountain Country K-9 Unit series. If you've read many Harlequin Love Inspired novels, this is what you'll expect in great characters and edge of the seat action.

Criticisms that have no effect on the five point rating of this book. One, I like the picture of the dog on the cover, but to me, the baby doesn't look real. Of course, you can't judge a book by it's cover. Two, a year ago the Pacific Northwest K-9 Unit series started with "Shielding The Baby," another story where a toddler is target of kidnapping, likewise written by Laura Scott.  Like I said, does this diminish the quality of the story? Nope.

I recommend this book, and hope you enjoy it as well.