Saturday, November 21, 2020



"You are Winnie the Pooh, and you've won free professional counseling. Since you are well adjusted, you don't need them for yourself. So do you give them to gloomy Eeyore or to bouncy Tigger?"

This was a Table Topics question presented at a Toastmasters meeting I attended fifteen years ago. (Table Topics is a portion where one Toastmaster asks questions to other members and with no prep time they give a one to two minute answer.)

No, I wasn't the one who received this question. But I did come up with an answer: Neither. I would rather get Eeyore and Tigger to work together so they would help balance each other out, and give the counseling sessions to grouchy Rabbit.

But would my idea (the one of pairing Eeyore and Tigger, not the one of sending Rabbit to the shrink) actually work? Or would they irritate each other so much that it would make both worse? 

While you're trying to pin that tail on the donkey, one possible title for my autobiography would be "Dr. Eeyore and Mr. Tigger", with apologies to Jekyll and Hyde. Of course, that would assume that in reality I'm an Eeyore, who changes into a Tigger alter ego. Is that correct? Or is it vice versa, with Tigger being the real me, convinced that I'm really Eeyore instead?

Whichever is the case, this year has brought out my inner Eeyore, with Tigger quarantined - all the social distancing and stay at home orders took the bounce out of him. COVID-19 and the elections are factors, but they aren't alone - this has been a year of change in many ways. 

I don't want to go into all that's going on, but I want to deal with the artist part of me. I finally dusted off my novel, re-worked it, and submitted it to some potential publishers and agents. And I'm still with it published. I would have loved for my Dad to have been able to read the published book, but he passed away last year. I'm wondering if it's that I just haven't reached the goal line, or is it that I'm either not a publishable author or that my WIP (Work In Progress) for the past fourteen years won't have enough of an audience to get the support of a publisher or agent?

Add to this that I'm a former songwriter, visual artist, and ceramist. I've done some drawings off and on (including my favorite characters, posted about a month ago), but I've been too busy with my novel and other activities over the last few decades to write songs, and I haven't touched clay since taking a college level ceramics class in Spring of '78 (unless you count getting to play with Play-Dough once in '86). 

To be honest, this blog hasn't been the most encouraging either. Part of it is time. My goal is to have four blogs a week, and I'm doing well when I get one up. Another part is that I'm still not having a regular readership, with many blogs in the low single digits of being viewed, and even fewer comments. 

May I ask you to help in one of the following ways? 

  • First and foremost, please pray for me, that the Lord directs me. 
  • If anybody wants to read a few chapters of my novel, and let me know if they want to read more, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! And should you want to read the rest of it, I'd be glad to let you.
  • Please pray for this blog. Should I keep on, or give it up? And if you want to read regularly and leave comments at times, it would be appreciated.
Thank you very much for reading this blog.

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